You Need to Know the Dark Side of the Chocolate Story

The global chocolate industry has a very dark side. It was built upon the backs of the impoverished, and it continues to operate at the expense of the poor today. From the early 1900's until now, the industry has capitalized on a rank history of abuses ranging from outright slavery, to the exploitation of child labor, to unmitigated environmental damage and destruction.

In 2001, legislation was passed, and several of the largest chocolate companies in conjunction with U.S. senators and the Ivory Coast ambassador signed an agreement to "eradicate" the worst forms of exploitation of child labor during the cultivation of cocoa beans. However, there has been much more talk than action over the years when it comes to actually correcting any of these abuses. Protected forests are still being destroyed to plant more cocoa, and most farmers are still working for less than two dollars per day. All the while, big chocolate continues to rake billions of dollars every year. That's the result of rampant greed and corruption throughout the entire supply chain, from farm to table.

The Bittersweet Movement wants you to be aware of this, and for you to help illuminate these injustices. In addition, as an active participant in the making of chocolate into money via the Bittersweet token, indexing its perceived value to chocolate, you will be helping empower the Bittersweet Trust which will make new investments to secure the future viability and availability of chocolate as a commodity. Working together, collaboratively, The Bittersweet Movement as a whole can force the industry to cure these abuses, and help stabilize recent production declines due to new issues of climate change, agricultural pests, and crop diseases.

Let's help ensure that chocolate itself continues to flourish, and that rich, delicious, chocolatey goodness is readily available and accessible to everyone in the future!

Bittersweet - Crypto and Chocolate Power for All!